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One of my greatest pleasures is listening to a good audiobook while working with my hands. Finding the right book can be a touch and go effort but with Madeline Miller's book 'CIRCE' I was able to dive right in. Beautifully narrated, it is the retelling of some of the story of the Odyssey from the perspective of one of Odysseus's lovers, Circe. Daughter of the sun god Helios and a nymph Perses, she stands apart from the gods with a mortal's sense of empathy. Best known for transforming a shipload of men into swine after they misbehave as guests, she leads an independent life on her island with her pet wolves and lions. She is shown here with her pouch of herbs and potions, a crown of waves, a snake around her wrist, and her wand/spear. Her hair and dress billowing around her, she sits at the edge of the sea, watching for ships.

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